2021 Christmas Services

This year, we’re pleased to offer a variety of different services to fit your family’s health, safety, and spiritual needs.

A Tableau of the Nativity of Christ

Friday, December 24th at 4:00 pm
Outdoors in the Quad between the Rectory and the Church

Join with others in the quad between the Church and the Rectory to hear and reflect on the re-telling of the Nativity. This informal service will include readings, carols, and time for personal reflection around the creche. There will be a fire pit to help keep worshippers warm during this brief service.

Christmas Eve Festival Eucharist With Carols

Carols Begin at 9pm, Service begins at 9:30
In-Person and Online via Zoom

Our Festival Eucharist will begin 9:30 pm with Carols immediately preceding the service at 9 pm. Both the carols and the service will be in-person and online via Zoom.

To join us via Zoom, click the button below on Christmas Eve at 9pm:

Christmas Day Contemplative Eucharist

Saturday, December 25th at 9am

A celebration of Holy Eucharist without our Choir present.

Note: There will be no 5 pm service of Holy Eucharist on Christmas Day

to Serve

Upcoming Events

Wednesday Mar 26th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm

Thursday Mar 27th

Food Pantry Open 8:30-11
8:30 am
 - 10:30 am - UC
Thrift Shop Team Meeting
5:00 pm
 - 6:00 pm - Graham Hall, Upper Parish House
Thrift Shop open
6:00 pm
 - 8:00 pm

Friday Mar 28th

Funeral for June Guglielmi
9:00 am
 - 10:00 am
Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm

Saturday Mar 29th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 4:00 pm
NO Worship Service
5:00 pm
 - 6:00 pm

Sunday Mar 30th

Worship & Town Hall Meeting
9:00 am
 - 10:00 am

Monday Mar 31st

AA- Undercroft
7:00 pm
 - 9:00 pm

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