Frequently Asked Questions

I am a Baptized Christian, but am not Episcopalian. May I Receive Communion?

Absolutely. Jesus is the host for the sacred meal and welcomes all of God’s children. Follow the instructions of the ushers. If for any reason you don’t want to receive either the bread or the wine, you may come to the altar rail for a blessing. Cross your hands on your chest to let the ministers know that you don’t want to receive either the bread or the wine and the priest will offer you a blessing.

What if I haven’t been baptized?

If you have not been baptized you are welcome to worship with us and receive a blessing at the time of Eucharist. If you feel called to be baptized, we are here to companion you on the journey. The Rector would be glad to arrange a time of preparation for you.

I have been divorced and have remarried. May I receive Communion?

Yes. The Episcopal Church recognizes that some marriages die. The Church mourns with you, but welcomes you to receive Communion as part of your healing and growth.

How old do my children have to be to receive Communion?

You make that decision as a parent. Some parents want their children to receive Holy Eucharist as soon as they are able to come to the altar and receive. Other parents prefer to wait until their children are in the upper levels of grade school. The Rector will be pleased to help you think and pray this through.

I have noticed all the children come to the altar. Why?

Those who do not receive communion come to the altar for a blessing. All God’s children are welcome to the altar, even if they may not yet be ready to receive Holy Communion.

What is the difference between the Episcopal and Roman Catholic Churches? The services seem very similar.

They are similar. Some parts, in fact, are identical. We, however, are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, formed in England in the 16th century. We have some doctrinal differences with the Church of Rome. We recognize the Pope as the Bishop of Rome, but we do not place ourselves under his authority.

Then is the Episcopal Church Protestant or Catholic?

It is both catholic and protestant. Since we are not in communion with the Church of Rome, it considers us protestant. Our doctrines and our practices are mostly what they were before the Protestant Reformation, so we are also catholic. Think of the Episcopal Church as a “bridge church”; standing between these two great traditions and practicing what we truly believe is the best of both.

How do I become an Episcopalian?

The process varies depending upon your situation. If you have already been baptized, the Episcopal Church warmly recognizes that sacrament as valid. You do not have to be re-baptized. If you have already been confirmed, we also recognize that sacrament. If you have already been baptized and confirmed you may be “received” into this branch of Christ’s Church by the Bishop of Rhode Island at a ceremony held annually. If you have not been baptized or confirmed, the Rector will make arrangements for these two events. As soon as you have been baptized, you may begin receiving communion. When the Bishop visits, you will be confirmed. From that moment on, you are an Episcopalian.

How do I become a member of Trinity Church?

You have already made the first step by joining us for Sunday Worship! You are already a member of our community. However, your connection can be deepened through regular participation in worship and involvement in parish ministries. Depending upon your situation, you may wish to be fully connected through Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist or Full Reception into the Episcopal Church at some point down the line. For now, just know you are welcome!

How may I financially contribute to Trinity Church?

Financial stewardship is one of the ways we support the vital work of ministry in our parish. All parishioners are essential partners in the financial support of our parish mission. We rely on the regular financial support of our parishioners. Everyone in the parish is asked to prayerfully consider offering back to God some portion of what God has given them. To have your offerings recorded, you may, at any time, request a pledge card.

to Serve

Upcoming Events

Saturday Mar 29th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 4:00 pm
NO Worship Service
5:00 pm
 - 6:00 pm

Sunday Mar 30th

Worship & Town Hall Meeting
9:00 am
 - 10:00 am

Monday Mar 31st

AA- Undercroft
7:00 pm
 - 9:00 pm

Wednesday Apr 2nd

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm

Thursday Apr 3rd

Food Pantry Open 8:30-11
8:30 am
 - 10:30 am - UC

Friday Apr 4th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm

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