Our Campus

The Main Church
Trinity’s rustic stone facade church is nestled among the pine trees just next to the Horseshoe Dam on the edge of the Scituate Reservoir. Originally built in the 1960s, an addition completed in 1992 expanded our worship space, added a sacristy and a steeple to the church proper and incorporated new parish offices in the space below the church.
Filled with wood trim and exposed wooden beams, our worship space is warm and comfortable. A large window above the altar frames the pine grove behind the church and provides an ever-changing backdrop for our worship services.
The Undercroft and Parish Offices
The basement of the church, or what Episcopalians call the undercroft, is accessible via a side entrance at the bottom of our driveway. In addition, staircases located in both the front and back of our worship space provide easy access from the church to the undercroft.
Our parish office, the Rector’s office, choir room, and a newly built nursing room are all located in the undercroft.
At the center of the undercroft is a newly renovated space housing our parish library, which provides a wide range of well-organized resources and reference materials to assist in spiritual growth and development and daily living.
The library also provides ample space for ministry and committee meetings.
Graham Hall
The upper level of our parish house, located just across the driveway from the church is known as Graham Hall and is accessible via an ADA compliant ramp located at its front entrance. Graham Hall provides a bright and welcoming environment for both our Sunday school children and our youth.
Graham Hall also houses our Food Pantry and Thrift shop.
Aldrich Hall & Kitchen
The lower level of our parish house is known as Aldrich Hall, our fellowship and event space. It includes a fully outfitted and licensed commercial kitchen. It holds 291 people and seats 136 people comfortably at round tables. The entrance to Aldrich Hall is from the lower-level driveway between the church and parish house and it is handicap accessible.
Aldrich Hall is available for event rentals and includes use of a certified commercial kitchen. For information on hall rental, please contact the parish office.
The Labyrinth
Trinity’s labyrinth, located adjacent to Aldrich Hall, offers a contemplative space for prayer, meditation, spiritual and personal growth, and transformation.
A Personal Pilgrimage
A pilgrimage is a journey taken in faith and hope to a sacred place. The journey provides direct experience, reflection and conversation so that a person can see how compassionate acts of justice, peace and loving-kindness reveal God at work. Knowledge can grow into understanding, which in turn can lead to action. When one goes on pilgrimage, one seeks to find Christ. Christ is always there, waiting.
A pilgrimage is an outward journey reflecting an inward journey, a spiritual exercise that helps reach out toward God and deepens our relationship with God. The pilgrim seeks to follow the spirit’s compass, which guides us to find an inner openness to the outer world of people, places, and events that become the fabric of our lives.
Persons who journey to sacred places are pilgrims. They have within them the motivating promise that in seeking God they will find God. In The Book of Common Prayer, we are Pilgrims seeking answers to deep questions, traveling in the spirit of open attentiveness to the Sacred. Pilgrimage manuals throughout history counsel living mindfully. The mindful person approaches life’s experiences with “soulfulness.” Ray Charles defined “soulfulness” as the ability to respond to our deepest place. Preparation, intention, experiences, and reflection engender mindful and soulful attitudes. As a pilgrim, one should be open, attentive and responsive.
As you prepare to enter our Labyrinth, take some time to transition from your everyday life to the labyrinth experience. Try removing your watch and leaving behind any electronic devices. If you choose, think about or journal your intentions for the experience: your questions, affirmations, feelings. Open yourself to possibilities.
– 2006 Sharon Ely Pearson. The Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut
Walking the Labyrinth
As you begin your walk, take a few deep breaths, find your center and focus your intentions. Walk at your own natural pace. However you choose to move through the labyrinth is fine – walk slowly, quickly, crawl, dance, skip or pause at any point as you make your way towards its center.
Since the labyrinth is only one path, you may encounter others along your way. You may choose to allow them to pass or perhaps you may choose to pass them.
Once in the center of the labyrinth, stay as long as you wish. You may lie down, kneel, meditate, prostrate, dance, stand or simply turn and leave.
While journeying through the labyrinth, notice your thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to your senses, observe sensations or images which come to mind. When you have completed your walk, rest for a few minutes in silence.
Enjoy your labyrinth experience; its twist and turns are a metaphor for life and the spiritual journey. Listen to your heart and take all the time you need. And remember, you are invited to return to the labyrinth often.
Thrift Shop
In Summer of 2020, our Thrift Shop moved to a purpose-built space inside Graham Hall. Details about our Thrift Shop and hours can be found on the Thrift Shop Page.
Food Pantry
In Summer of 2020, our Food Pantry also moved to a new purpose-built space in Graham Hall, accessible by the main entrance and ramp. Details about our Food Closet ministry and hours of operation can be found on the Food Pantry Page.