Covenant for Regathering
On June 18, 2020, the Vestry of Trinity Episcopal Church voted to adopt the following covenant, as provided by the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. This covenant is part of the diocese’s Journeying by Stages, a document that will guide our regathering efforts.

Covenant for Regathering
I promise, to the best of my ability with God’s help, to abide by the guidelines of the Diocese of Rhode Island for participation in church as we regather during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In faithfulness to the Baptismal Covenant (BCP p. 304-305), I will strive to:
Love my neighbor as myself, I will…
- Wear a mask or scarf over my nose and mouth at all times in church buildings, except momentarily to receive the sacrament or lead worship by an assigned speaking part, and follow public health guidelines for hand sanitizing and disinfecting.
- Only attend worship if I am non-symptomatic for the COVID-19 virus or any other transmittable disease that could compromise the health of another person also attending.
- Abstain from attending if doing so would put me at greater risk due to my own health status.
Respect the dignity of every human being, I will…
- Make no physical contact with people beyond the members of my own household.
- Maintain a six foot or more distance from other members of the congregation.
- Respect any requests for distance, masking, cleaning, and disinfecting to ensure the safety and comfort level of others.
Seek and serve Christ in all people…
- Support the decisions of my diocesan and congregational leaders.
- Stay connected with others in my community by telephone, video chat, mail, or other means.
This is our expectation for all those who wish to worship with us in person. By participating in our worship, you assume responsibility for following the above, and acknowledge the risks of participation in an in-person gathering.