Men’s Spirituality

Brotherhood of St. Andrew (Men’s Group)

In November of 2021, the The Trinity Men’s group was instituted as a chapter of The Brotherhood of St. Andrew. We are the first chapter within the Diocese of Rhode Island.

The group meets on the second Saturday of each month. A light breakfast is served and any upcoming events or business are discussed, followed by fellowship. All men of the parish are welcome.

The group is responsible for our popular “Second Sunday Breakfast” where a full breakfast is served following the 9:30 am service on the second Sunday of each month. A good will offering basket is placed out to help defray the costs of the food.

The group also schedules periodic gatherings at an area pub to watch Patriot’s games and enjoy each other’s company and members can often be found working in the kitchen at parish events, including the Christmas Bazaar.

to Serve

Upcoming Events

Monday Jan 27th

AA- Undercroft
7:00 pm
 - 9:00 pm

Wednesday Jan 29th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm
Weeknight Adult Study
7:00 pm
 - 8:00 pm - Online

Thursday Jan 30th

Food Pantry Open 8:30-11
8:30 am
 - 10:30 am - UC
Thrift Shop Team Meeting
5:00 pm
 - 6:00 pm - Graham Hall, Upper Parish House

Friday Jan 31st

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm

Saturday Feb 1st

Buildings & Grounds Meeting | GH Classroom
10:00 am
 - 11:00 am
Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 4:00 pm
Worship Service - Contemplative Eucharist
5:00 pm
 - 6:00 pm

Sunday Feb 2nd

Worship Service - Contemplative Eucharist
8:00 am
 - 9:00 am

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