Worship & Liturgy

Our worship services take place at 5pm on Saturday and 8am and 9:30am on Sundays. Coffee and Fellowship follows the 9:30 service in our parish hall., followed by Sunday School and Bible study for those who wish to continue learning. All are welcome!

We also offer service Online via Zoom using our new state-of-the-art Audio/Visual system. If you wish to be sent the link each week for our Zoom service, please contact the parish office and ask to be added to our email mailing list.

Receiving Communion

In the Episcopal tradition, all who are baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion. For COVID safety reasons, we will be be using only an intinction cup for the wine, inviting you to dip your wafer into the wine instead of drinking from the cup.

If you are present during service and wish to receive communion, please wait for an usher to indicate your turn and then move towards the altar. You may kneel or stand in front of the altar rail and hold your hands cupped to receive a wafer. When the intinction cup is offered, you may dip the wafer into the wine, trying your best not to dip your fingers and then consume the wafer. You may then proceed by the side aisles back to your pew as directed.

If you wish to receive a blessing instead of the Eucharist, simply cross your arms over your chest and the priest will bless you as she moves past.

to Serve

Upcoming Events

Friday Jan 24th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm

Saturday Jan 25th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 4:00 pm
Food Pantry Open
10:00 am
 - 12:00 pm
Worship Service - Contemplative Eucharist
5:00 pm
 - 6:00 pm

Sunday Jan 26th

NO Worship Service (due to Annual Meeting)
8:00 am
 - 9:00 am
Worship Service w/ Online
9:00 am
 - 10:00 am
Coffee Hour
10:00 am
 - 10:30 am
Annual Meeting
10:30 am
 - 11:30 am
NO Sunday School - K-5
11:00 am
 - 12:00 pm

Monday Jan 27th

AA- Undercroft
7:00 pm
 - 9:00 pm

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