Parish Member-Only Access

Great News!

You do not need to “join” in order to access member-only pages. A password is always printed in the Trinity Tidings newsletter.

If you are a member of the parish and do not already receive the newsletter, contact the parish office and ask to be added. You may, of course, ask for the password at that time.

If you are experiencing any difficulty logging-in, please email Justin, our Webmaster at You may also message us on the parish Facebook page, which often results in a speedier response.

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to Serve

Upcoming Events

Friday Jan 24th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm

Saturday Jan 25th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 4:00 pm
Food Pantry Open
10:00 am
 - 12:00 pm
Worship Service - Contemplative Eucharist
5:00 pm
 - 6:00 pm

Sunday Jan 26th

NO Worship Service (due to Annual Meeting)
8:00 am
 - 9:00 am
Worship Service w/ Online
9:00 am
 - 10:00 am
Coffee Hour
10:00 am
 - 10:30 am
Annual Meeting
10:30 am
 - 11:30 am
NO Sunday School - K-5
11:00 am
 - 12:00 pm

Monday Jan 27th

AA- Undercroft
7:00 pm
 - 9:00 pm

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